Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa visit

We made it out to visit Santa at the mall one afternoon. I knew Colin was very into Santa this year. Cade...well, I thought he might a) laugh hysterically at a man dressed in the red suit or b) pull his beard and then laugh. Cade never really cries at anything, except maybe when Colin takes toys away from him or he is tired. Little did I know...Cade did NOT like Santa this year and screamed very loudly at this strange man holding him. They caught Colin halfway smiling, but most of the time, he was looking at Cade with shear disappointment telling him to stop crying on Santa's lap and telling him that Santa is watching. I didn't really mean to laugh at my child (who is only 1), but I couldn't help it. My mom and I were both in the background by the camera and were just laughing. Poor Cade! Here is the pic of them...Colin halfway smiling and Cade, well, just screaming his head off!

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1 comment:

The Moser Fam... said...

How funny!? :) I love it! Poor little guy, but I would have been laughing too, I'm sure. So classic! Love your new background and header are such a cute family! :)