Friday, January 16, 2009

Finally...Christmas Day!

After we played at home for a short while, we packed up and headed to Danville to celebrate with Steve's parents and sisters. We spent a couple hours there opening presents and having fun (can you believe I forgot my camera?? I had it out for the morning at our house and then forgot it!!) before we headed to West Lebanon, IN to Steve's aunt and uncles house. Luckily, all three stops that day were close enough that we could still see everyone. Long day, but well worth it!

Here is Steve's grandma, Mary Landsdown, with all of her grandkids plus their spouses.

Here is Gauck, what the great grandkids call her, and all of the great me (Cade was running away on top of the pool table!) In age order...McKenna, Erica, Ella, Colin, Megan, Madison, Luke, Cade, and Marissa.

After Steve's family Christmas, we packed up, once again, and headed to Watseka to see my extended family. We made it there in time to watch the adult gift exchange. It was quite humorous to watch! Here is our attempt to get a family pic in front of the tree at my Aunt Sally's house. We finally gave up on the last one and just acted silly instead! The one with my parents and brothers did turn out nice though.

We ended the day at my aunt and uncles house with Colin playing a little Rock Band. He had lots of fun!
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Katie said...

Laughing hysterically at the goofy family picture in front of the tree!! Love Cade's face!!! Hopefully we'll see you later today so our boys can make messes together (Okay, Holden and Cade can make messes while Colin gives them the "you two are weirdos" glare!) and we can keep our sanity. Three snow days in a row? We are never going to get out of school.

The Moser Fam... said...

Cute pictures....even the funny ones by the tree! :) I can't believe I didn't hardly recognize Erin in your earlier pictures! Please tell her I said hi...especially since you guys are still so close. I should get her email address from you. :) Hope your little family is keeping warm and that you've been enjoying your snow days this week! (Mike had two days off school too, due to below zero temps...nice!) :)