Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's been 6 years!

Wow...time does fly when you are having fun! Today, Steve and I have been married for 6 years. Where did time go? It feels like not that long ago we were getting ready for our wedding. 6 years, 2 kids, and 2 houses later, we are still having fun and loving life. What more could you ask for? Steve and I are so lucky to have found each other...because, really? who else would put up with him? (TOTALLY kidding!) Love you Steve! :) Here's to many more happy years together!

Our wedding party on July 12, 2003
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Friday, July 10, 2009

Caroline Lynn Engle

Erin and Kevin became parents on Wednesday, July 8, 2009. (love her birthday...7-8-9!) Caroline Lynn Engle was welcomed at 9:25 am weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces and 19.5 inches long. She has lots of light brown fuzz just waiting for lots of bows to be put in it! We got to see her on Wednesday afternoon and she is a doll! Just precious as can be. I always forget how little they are! Congratulations Erin and Kevin. You will be wonderful parents, Caroline is lucky to have you!

Proud parents! Mommy and Daddy with Caroline

Colin meets Caroline. He was so excited! He was upset he didn't get to see her the first day "in real" (not in pictures I took!) So, Colin and I went last night to see her. He was so sweet with her. He chose the gifts we gave her with much thought. He wanted her to have a rattle, an outfit that said mommy and one that said daddy (have to have one for both parents!) and then a silky pink blanket like all of his he still loves. He just knows Caroline will love hers too!

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Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Zoo and More...

Last week Steve and I took the kids to the zoo. It was a beautiful day and we had lots of fun. Below are some of the fun times we had at the zoo!

Cade had lots of fun looking at the animals this time. He hasn't been too interested in the zoo before, but the animals were moving around and he is loving making animal sounds lately, so this is right up his alley. He even touched an animal today and thought he was some hot stuff!

Here are some pics of Colin. He has always loved the zoo. He has so much fun when we go there. He also likes to play mini golf and complete the fun puzzles they have there too. He also touched some animals that I wouldn't even touch! :)

These were also taken last week (when it was warm!) They had so much fun with our $5 Slip and Slide that lasted all of about 5 minutes. A dollar per minute isn't bad, right? :) They have so much fun together.

And, then something like this happens. Ahh, gotta love this age! Of course, I love to document these fits and one day hope to show them to Cade and show him how silly he looks. But, for right now...I just point and shoot the camera while he is throwing these fits and just laugh. Gotta love being a parent! :)

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