Sunday, February 22, 2009

A visit to the doctors

The boys had their well check ups this week with Dr. Emm. Colin's 4 year (a little late!) and Cade's 15 month...hard to believe they are that old already! Everything was good with both boys. Cade was over his strep, thank goodness!

My mom came with us, hence the many pics below! She always has her camera with her. I am not sure what the nurses and doctor thought of us snapping pics right and left! :) Colin weighed in at 47 pounds and Cade was 27 pounds. Both were in the 90% and above. Let's just say I have a very strong left arm muscle from carrying them around! :)

We were in the office for about an hour and a half...long time to wait with 2 little ones. Luckily, the office had lots of fun things for them to do while we waited in the room.

The not so fun part came after the checkup from Dr. Emm...both boys needed shots! Colin got 4 in his arms and Cade got 3 one in each leg and one in the arm. It was a sight to see...I am holding Colin while he is screaming, one nurse quickly giving him shots and my mom holding Cade (screaming also) down while another nurse quickly gave him his shots. All of this is happening at the same time, on the same table! The nurses then let the boys choose from the treasure chest...Colin got an ice cream cone that you can hit a button and it flies off the cone, and Cade got a beanie baby teddy bear. At least when we left, they were happy!

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The Moser Fam... said... have BIG boys!! :) Ben weighs 30 lbs right now...and he'll be 4 years old in May. He is a shrimp though. I almost fell out of my chair when I read that Colin is 47 lbs! He is going to be a football player for sure! They are so adorable and they look like they were good boys in the docs office. They must get their size from their dad, cause they sure didn't get it from their tiny mommy! :) Cute post!

Katie said...

Those pictures are adorable! I will have to remember that idea for Holden's 2 year appt. Although it was nice to have your mom along to take them all for you! Sounds like she really came in handy with the shots! Poor boys. Cade has passed Holden up for sure, as I knew he would sooner or later. Now Holden better watch it for all the times he pushed him around when he was the bigger baby! =o)

The Stille's said...

oh my gosh these picture are too funny. What big and healthy boys you have!!