Friday, July 11, 2008

It's been 5 years!

It has been 5 years (tomorrow) that we have been married. It is hard to believe it has been that long since Steve and I were married. July 12, 2003 seems only like yesterday!

Today, I looked through all of the pictures of our rehearsal, wedding, and reception and remembered what an awesome time we had that night. We were surrounded by the most important people in our lives...our family, and our friends.

We are so lucky to have found each other and go through lives journey together. It can only get better from here. Happy 5th Anniversary to the man I love more today than yesterday!

A lot of things can change in 5 years


Spring Break- March 2008
5 years flew by, I can't wait to see what the future brings!
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as'high'ika said...

i really like the then n now pictures!..the happiness is visible in ur pics!:)

The Moser Fam... said...

Congrats on 5 years! Our 6 year anniversary is coming up in less than a month too! Your wedding picture is beautiful...and you sure are right...a lot has changed...but it looks like for the better! What a great family! :)

Katie said...

AWWW! I love that wedding picture. You look SO pretty and you both look so happy! And young! Isn't it amazing how it seems like just yesterday but it also seems worlds away since that day? Glad you had a fun get away together. That beach picture is the best, you could be an ad for Florida tourists or something. Seriously, can't believe you've had two kids,makes me sick! But I love ya! Happy anniversary! Looking forward to playing with Cade tomorrow (and keeping Holden from killing him! hee hee!) and then meeting up at the zoo/water park. I sense some more picture taking coming on!Better go charge my camera before I turn in. =o)