Thursday, January 22, 2009

Noon Year's Eve

On New Year's Eve DAY, we went to the Children's Discovery Museum. They were having a kids party called "Noon Year's Eve"! What a great idea!! They figured most kids don't get the opportunity to stay up late and celebrate the New Year's at midnight, so they did the Noon celebration. Erin and Kevin joined us with their niece and nephew, Ryane and Edison. They were watching them for the day and decided to join us for lots of fun at the museum.

Here are some pics from the day before the countdown. They had their regular stations/playthings there as well as making crowns (for the big day!), centers to make lots of different things and to top it off, the zoo lady to paint kids faces! There was so much going on that day, the kids loved it!

We counted down to noon...full with confetti being thrown, horns being blown, and kids running wild! :) We had to teach the kids how to use the horns, really funny trying to teach 2 four year olds how to do that! (You will also see below Colin on a stool...he was in time out (for some reason, I can't remember now!), he was cracking me up on the stool though, I couldn't pass up the photo.)

The infamous Zoo Lady in town does an awesome job painting the kids faces. She is amazing to watch and she is so quick. We had to wait about 30 or so minutes in line to even get them done. Colin loved his and had me take pics of him making tiger like faces. Ryane, however, didn't like hers so much because it had too much blue in it. This was the only pic of her I could get because she only wanted pink and purple. Ahh, she sounds so like me when I was a little girl! :)

Happy Noon Year's Eve!
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Katie said...

Holden is sitting in my lap and he is LOVING the pictures of Colin's tiger face! He keeps laughing hysterically, slapping his leg, and saying, "Meow, meow, Colin!" Thanks for the cheap entertainment. =o) Noon Years Eve sounds so cute! We will definately have to take Holden next year. Glad you had a fun day with Erin and Kevin. (By the way, the picture of Colin on the stool is too funny! I'm glad I'm not the only mean Mommy that takes crabby/time out pictures!)

The Moser Fam... said...

What a fun idea!? :) I love the face paint. That looks REALLY cool! Loved seeing more pictures of Erin too. You are such a fun mommy!