Thursday, June 26, 2008

Tried to...but couldn't!

My boys both love the water and I love the sun. So what else can we do besides go to the pool!? We went to a pool near by today with our friends, Katie and Holden. Before Holden left to go home and take a nap, I had a great idea... let's take a picture of all 3 boys together at the pool, wouldn't that be cute? :)
The boys all go to daycare together during the school year, so they are good friends. Colin likes to look out for Holden (and make sure he doesn't take HIS things) and Holden likes to play with Cade, well let's just Cade with things, right Katie? :)

Well, below is our attempt at trying to get all 3 boys sitting (not even looking) at the camera. One picture you can see Colin and Cade looking back at Holden and Katie running after him. People around us were laughing at our attempts of "photo shoot".
Oh well, at least we have fun pics to look back on!
At least some of them have all 3 boys IN the picture! :)

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How quickly they grow up...

I forget how quickly kids can do things. It seems like forever ago that Colin was Cades age, so I forget when they do things. Whenever Cade does something, I run to check in Colin's baby book to see when he did it. So far, they are neck and neck with just about everything, even their weight is similiar! I guess that is because they are only 2 days part with their birthdays! :)

Anyways, Cade is now pulling himself up on anything and everything he possibly can. Luckily, I had my camera with me in the bathroom the other night and got this shot of him. I know he is going to love me one day for this one... but I couldn't resist those chubby legs! :)

I love to put the kids on the potty really early on, so they get used to the feeling of going on the pot. Sometimes, we just sit there and read books for awhile. It definitely worked with Colin as he was potty trained by age 2. I am hoping since they are on the same track so far that Cade will follow in his footsteps. He looks so big, doesn't he?

He is pulling himself up on his crib side already too. Uncle Chris came over and moved the mattress down 3 spots because I was having panic attacks when I left him in there for nap time afraid he would fall or jump out! After moving it down, he cannot get this high up anymore! :)

Shopping at Sam's Club, my two boys and I. Couldn't resist this shot. Colin is on the phone with Daddy and Cade is just hanging out. Colin rarely sits in the carts, but he loves the ones at Sam's because he can sit next to Cade.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Colin at the Zoo and Laughing

Our zoo offers classes for kids ages 3-5 called Animal Crackers. Colin took the class last week about mammals. It was time for just Colin and I. We dropped Cade off at our sitter, Lori Parker's house for a couple of hours. The kids learned about mammals during their one hour there. They got to help feed a baby goat from a bottle, pet a guinea pig and pet a ferret. Colin thought it was hysterical when the goat peed and then pooped right there in our little class circle. Luckily, the goat had passed by us and it wasn't near us! :) After that, we made a guinea pig craft and had a snack. The hour went by very quickly!

After the class, Colin and I went out into the zoo to see some animals. He loved all of them, of course! I love the picture of the parrot looking directly at Colin. There is another one of a bird (don't know what kind it is) that wanted to be so close to Colin, kept following him around, I quick took the picture and then made Colin run away from it, (as were other parents)! Birds seem to make me nervous!

I am also including a video of Colin laughing the other night. Since I posted one of Cade last week, I have to stay fair...ahh, the life of a mother of two. :) Everything needs to be equal and fair! He has had a belly laugh as we call it since 4 months old. His laugh usually makes everyone laugh. He was watching something funny on TV and I couldn't resist, it isn't very long, but I'm sure you get the picture!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cade is crawling...forward!

Cade is finally doing it! He is crawling forward! For the longest time, coming close to 2 months now, he has been going backwards. It was the funniest thing to watch. He would get on all fours and rock back and forth and then go flat on his belly and use his arms to push himself back. Then he just started crawling backwards without pushing himself on his belly. He sometimes would get stuck with a chair leg (or something) between his legs and couldn't go back any furthar. All you would hear is a little scream letting us know he was stuck.

He started going forward on Friday of last week. Only a few crawls at a time, but we are excited for him to reach this new milestone. He still isn't fast and is still pretty wobbly, but he is doing it! Colin thinks he is trying to win the Piston Cup race (from the Cars movie), the video is funny because you can hear Colin in the background talking about the race!


Monday, June 16, 2008

Colin's First Trip to the Dentist

Last week, Colin experienced the dentist for the first time. Last summer he watched my mom (GG, as he calls her) and me get our teeth cleaned so he knew what to expect when his time came. He remembered and was excited to sit in the cool chair. They gave him these silly glasses to wear, but he loved them. Makes sense if you think about it, the light always bothers me while I am in the is pointed directly at your eyes! :)

Colin loves to help brush his teeth, we try to do it both morning and night. He doesn't really like to do it in the morning because he thinks it should be just a dark time thing. We are trying to work on that! Brushing his teeth is now on his chore chart. He likes to get his sticker, so no more arguing about morning time brushing...

Anyways, he did a great job and has NO cavities! His favorite thing about his visit was the water squirter and the water sucker (where you close your mouth around it) and of course the Diego toothbrush they gave him! Dr. Dan said he has done a nice job brushing his teeth so far and to keep up the good work. He also counted his teeth and he has 20 teeth so far. Colin likes the number 20, so he just laughed!

Trip one to the dentist - completed! :)

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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to the best daddy ever!
Steve is a wonderful, caring, patient, loving, (I could go on and on!) very involved dad and the boys are so lucky to have him in their lives. He is always playing cars and trucks with Colin and always willing to tend to Cade's every need. I always thought he would be an awesome father, and my instinct was perfect. I could not ask for anything more from him as a father or husband. People always tell me how lucky I am that he is such an involved dad and I am truly blessed to have him as my kids father. Thank you Steve for all you do for our boys! I hope one day they grow up to be just like you!

Happy Father's Day, Papa!
Papa, Doug Jameson, is my dad and we are fortunate to have them here in the same town! He is and always has been a wonderful father. He is loving being a grandpa and spending time with they boys. Papa is Colin's best friend and hero as he (Colin) frequently tells anyone that will listen. They definitely have a special bond. Papa is always willing to watch the boys, pick them up, bring them places, etc. I couldn't ask for anything more in a grandpa for my boys.

We love you, Papa!

Happy Father's Day, Grandpa!
Grandpa, Mort Cunningham, is Steve's dad. They live in Danville, Illinois which is about an hour and a half away from us. We try to see them often for family gatherings. Steve has two sisters and they both have two daughters, so in all there are six grandkids they call their own. They definitely keep them busy when the grandkids are at their house. Colin loves to ride the tractor with Grandpa and he loves to help with all of the chores he does daily. They live on a large amount of land and Colin has so much fun playing at their house. I am sure Cade can't wait to join in all of the fun when he is big enough. Grandpa & Grandma are both retired and are the best last minute babysitters ever. When our sitter can't do it for some reason, we call them and they head right over and are here by 7:30 in time for me to go to work. We couldn't ask for better grandparents than the ones we have for our children!

We love you, Grandpa!
see next posting for pics, I forgot to put it in the first time...

Grandpa Cunningham pics

Forgot the pics of Grandpa Cunningham. Sorry!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Big Brother

This is our oldest, Colin Jameson Cunningham. He is 3 1/2 years old and is a joy to be around (most of the time!) He is an awesome big brother to Cade and he loves him dearly, sometimes too much! He is a very loving and caring child, always willing to give hugs and kisses and we love to receive them.

He loves cars, trucks, semis, dump trucks, airplanes...pretty much anything and everything that can drive! He is a total boy! His favorite movie is CARS and he knows all of the characters and what they say. This is one movie we (mom and dad) don't mind watching over and over, it is a good one!

His schedule is keeping me busy this summer already. He is in the summer reading program at the library, swim lessons, gymnastics, and preschool 2 days a week this summer, plus a few extra classes that are only a one time thing. He loves being in "big kid classes" as he calls it. Definitely keeps us on our toes, but we love each and every moment of it because he loves it!

Again, this pics are from the last two weeks. We went boating, the pool, a place called Make a Mess, made cookies and much more!
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The Littlest Cunningham

So, here is our littlest one, Cade Douglas Cunningham. He is 6 1/2 months old. He is constantly on the go! He is sitting up, crawling backwards, almost forwards but not yet, his new trick is to go from all fours to a sitting position. He thinks he is pretty hot stuff! We also think he has go go gadget arms, he can reach anything!

He is such a happy, sweet, loving, cuddling, and BALD baby! We love him dearly! He has the best personality...anyone that can deal with a 3 year old brother that is constantly in his face, has to have a great personality.

These pics are from the last two weeks. We (the boys and I) have had a nice beginning of summer and can't wait to enjoy the rest of it together. Do you love the picture of Cade with carrots all over his face? Daddy fed him! :)

I finally did it!

So, after a little pressure from two friends which I will NOT name...ok, I will...Katie & Ali! I finally did it! After lots of thought, I decided it would be nice for all of our out of town family and friends to have a glimpse of life with the Cunninghams! We aren't that interesting, but I figure, why not? :)

I am not a big writer, more of a picture taker, so I am sure it will most likely be lots of pictures of my two little boys, Colin & Cade. Enjoy!